Polytechnic Hoofcare course
With the recent completion of the two week live-in block of this one year course, 20 more student trimmers are now out there doing their assignments, mentorships and case studies.
This year they came from all over Australia and as far afield as Germany to learn from the course instructors, Jeremy Ford, Jen Clingly and Leigh Martin (all professional trimmers), vets and a variety of guest speakers.
Marg Richardson (course coordinator) said one of the highlights was  Carol Layton lecturing on nutrition. This was also open to the public and had a great variety of interested participants, including farriers attend the lecture.  Carol held everyone captivated and I’ve never seen such a huge audience participation in a talk before with everyone firing questions at her – Carol in her amazing way answered everyone and myth busted many common theories in the nutrition horse world.
My horses were once again the first live trim subjects of the course. Most patiently stood while the students put their new found skills into action – the young horses were paired up with the more experienced trimmers so they could practice their horse handling skills as well. I was impressed with their kindness and ability to adapt to each horse’s needs.
Listen to Jeremy Ford and some of the students speak to Eliza Wood at the course herehttps://www.abc.net.au/rural/reporter/stories/s3172826.htm? – click on the Mp3 audio link.
One Day Hoofcare workshops via Adult Education
Jen and Jeremy from Wild About Hooves will be holding an Adult Ed Hoofcare Workshops on the 14th of May at Deloraine. Please call Jen for more details on 0408 838198.
Northern Territory Police Horses Go Barefoot
Daisy Buysman, a certified ACEHP trimmer has just been given the job of trimming the NT Police horses . She has re-habbed one they were having problems with, and now trims the other five horses for basic maintenance. Daisy hopes to convince them they can use hoof boots instead of being shod in front during the dry season. Well done Daisy!
To find an ACEHP trimmer in your area go to www.australianhooftrimmers.com