Bitless Riding Tips

Cynthia and Charlie at Agfest 2011
Cynthia and Charlie at Agfest

As I find or write useful tips for bitless riding they will be published here so please check back or sign up for my news blog to be notified when new content is added.

Bitless Basics Overview

Parts of the presentation I did on Bitless Riding at Agfest give a brief overview of some of the things you can teach your horse.
Basics like lateral flexion, hindquarter yields, and a responsive backup will improve your horse’s education and your ability to communicate with your horse in any situation.

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Articles and Advice

From Bitted to Bitless Free Download by the World Bitless Association

Disengagement is a Powerful Control – by Philip Nye
This article explains how to control your horse’s hindquarters, so you aren’t relying on just the reins for control and is the safest way to ride bitless.

To Bit or Not To Bit – by Janene Clemence
This article details the damage bits can cause to horses.

To Bit or Not To Bit by Dr. Amanda Warren-Smith looks at the responses of young horses to bitted and bitless bridles during foundation training.

The Bitless Resources page has a list of insurance companies, instructors, clubs, associations, and breed groups that allow the use of bitless bridles.

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