Make Your Own Safe Hoof Stand

HoofstandbothtopsThis safe and easy to make hoof stand was put together from items you can find at most recycling shops or even from around your own place. To start with you need a removeable agitator from the centre of an older style washing machine – the larger ones are better as they have a larger, more stable base.
Next, find some PVC pipe that fits into the top of the agitator – mine had a joiner on it so I was able to get it to lock into the top snugly. I made two pieces about 100mm long that can be swapped for whatever hoof job I was doing.
On one piece I fitted a dog toy ball that made a comfortable surface and provided a grip to sit the hoof on. With the second piece of pipe I drilled 2 holes in the top and with a cable tie, I attatched a curved piece of radiator hose to make the hoof cradle which also had two holes drilled through and 2 slots cut where it met with the pipe. This keeps it from rolling over when pressure is applied.
To ensure the easy removal of each piece of pipe from the agitator, apply a little oil to the edge of the pvc pipe and voila! you have a very safe (for you and the horse) and light hoof stand.

Hoofstandgriptop hoofcradlebackleg

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