Managing Horses on Small Properties

by Jane Myers

BookManagingHorseSmallPropertiesAlthough first published in 2005, this comprehensive horse and land management book is an excellent reference for setting up and maintaining small to medium sized horse properties.

It covers the basics of horse care for Australian and New Zealand horse owners with a good guide to property selection, design and management with an excellent section on fencing, trees and plants.
It also has some very useful info on yards, arena and stable designs.
The grazing systems suggested could be updated to include the track system which if used correctly (such as for a firebreak, surfaced laneway or sacrifice area, would fit in with the principles of good land and horse management the author aims to educate people in.
This book is a handy reference for working towards having a sustainable property that provides for your horses and looks after the environment.

Having heard Jane Myers speak on this topic recently at the Equus Inspiration event, I was happy to hear her concern for keeping horses in herds and how that relates to good land management too.
You can purchase Managing Horses on Small Properties from the Natural Horse World Store

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