The Natural Horse

by Audrey Townley

Although this book was first published in 1993, it still has tons of relevent information which must have been quite a new approach back then.

Ausdrey Townley is a Fellow of the British Horse Society and has taught riding as well as competed in all areas of the sport. She is also author of Natural Riding published by Crowood.

The Natural Horse puts the relationship between human and horse back in perspective and explains how you can get the most out of this unique partnership. Its written in a clear, readable style and is a practical guide for all those wishing to develop a deeper awareness of the horse’s psyche. The book describes techniques for improving communication and enhancing performance, offers practical advice on solving problems and has over 130 photos and drawings.

Audrey Townley has a particular empathy for the horse that is demonstrated in her thoughts on competition and winning.

“If we can explore our motives in wanting to win, we can achieve fulfilling success while enjoying the process instead of being a slave to it, and so avoid exploiting the horse in our drive to succeed. Whatever choice you make in your quest for pleasurable riding, do remember that the horse should share the enjoyment”.

Her philosophy on how to pass on your newly aquired knowledge without offending people is evident with this quote – “There are still black spots in horse welfare, but those that seek to know more, cast a ray of light on the horse’s lot by setting a good example to others.”

And finally, Audrey quotes Richard Bach when relating stories about difficult horses who have taught her more about relationships than anything else:

“There is no such thing as a problem without a gift for you in its hands.
You seek problems because you need their gifts.”

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