Separation Problem
“I have a problem that I would like your advice on – you may remember that I talked to you a couple of months ago about the two horses that I have and them not wanting to be separated. Well, this situation has become much worse since I haven’t been able to work with them over the last couple of months.
The young gelding is just terrible when he is away from the mare, it used to be the other way around.
The last couple of weeks when I’ve been working with him, he just keeps turning to me and rearing up all the time – even if I’m not asking him to do anything! I kept thinking he’d get used to it and persevered, but if anything, he’s getting worse, so the only way I can work with him is if I go into the paddock where they both are as I can’t tie up the mare as she gets very agitated and always has done. What do you suggest?”
My advice
Firstly, with your problem of separating the horses, you need to understand why they are doing this – it helps to know so we don’t blame them or get frustrated.
They are dependent on each other for their survival in their herd – that’s how nature programs them.
The gelding is probably worse because the mare is his only herd member and most likely the leader, so he feels safe with her and very unsafe when he leaves her.
The only way to gain his confidence is for you to become a leader so he feels safe when he’s with you.
This will take knowledge, skill and time.
Think about the number of hours he spends with the mare – it’s a lot more than the hours he spends with you so the need to be with her is a lot stronger.
The problem is compounded by the fact that you’re also taking him outside of his comfort zone (the paddock he’s used to) – to areas he may see as scary and therefore he relies even more on his herd for safety.
Here’s the plan
Improve your groundwork skills with him in his paddock until you have good communication and trust so he will respond to requests such as go, stop, turn, back-up and stand.
Then start to take him just on the other side of the fence from the mare and test these skills, gradually increasing the distance you can go from the fence.
This may be only 10 metres in the first few days!
Increase it very slowly and use approach and retreat to go further away but come back to this comfort zone before he gets stressed.
By doing this you’re rewarding him for trusting you and increasing his comfort zone.
If you need to play with him in an area away from his paddock (like in a yard), bring the mare with him – put her in a yard next to where you want to play with him or if you don’t have a yard, make one with electric tape.
If you wanted to play with him in a new large area (paddock) and have her there too, let them settle in that area together for a few hours before you try to do anything constructive.
I think once you have a solid partnership, you will find it a lot easier to make progress with him.
Test that partnership with a purpose by setting up some activities like horse agility obstacles so you know when you’re ready to progress further afield.
Understanding what causes separation anxiety, is the first step to helping your herd-bound horse – this link will give you more ideas and information.