
Mineral Feeding Options

There are so many different approaches to feeding minerals and what to feed that it pays to do your research, keep up-to-date with new information, and find what works for your horses and how best to give them access to minerals. Here are a few examples of how horse owners

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Horses Eating Hay

Your Horse is what it Eats

by Cynthia Cooper Horses evolved to eat small amounts of grasses, herbs and minerals almost constantly throughout the day. They covered many miles to reach water and lived in small herds of varied ages and sexes. Does this sound like the modern horse? Not really – their involvement with humans

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Nutrition News

Q&A on Feeding Oils I would like to ask your opinion on feeding oil to horses. I have done a little research on this online but have come across conflicting information. I have in previous winters fed a little ½ cup cold pressed canola in my horses feed, but was considering

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Grass and Clover issues

Why you should avoid too much clover/red clover in a horse’s pasture/hay. Clovers can be associated with less common conditions in horses such as photosensitivity and liver disease. The specific toxins that cause these conditions have not yet been identified and are hypothesized to be either mycotoxins or secondary plant

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