New Australian Equine Advertising Site.
Horse and Pony Sales has recently been launched and is a great looking site. It has a very user friendly format and I’m sure it will be popular with its broad range of categories.
This website provides free and paid advertising for everything horse and pony related. Register in just a few simple steps, and then create your ad to buy or sell within the categories listed. Horses eligible for multiple categories can be listed with one submission.
On offer are three advertising options – Free, Premium and Featured. The aim is to make advertising simple and user friendly, yet very efficient. I’ve taken advantage of the opportunity early – hope you do too as I think this will become one of the best ways to advertise for the future.
Soulful Equine
I found another great website resource just recently (thanks to a News Blog reader 🙂 ) that I’m sure you will enjoy exploring. This is a very well set out website.
Founders, Stephanie Krahl and Sharon Tousley have written lots of great articles such as:
- “How to Win Your Horse’s Heart” (one of their most popular)
- “Do You Care About Being Normal?”
- 5 Steps to Being a Better Problem Solver for Your Horse
- 7 Key Strategies for Putting Your Horse on Spring Grass
- How to Learn Something Faster than your horse.
- Horse Poopology – The Science and Art of Horse Poop
There are 19 pages of them that all look so interesting, and owner Stephanie says they are working on a directory to make it easier to find those you want to re-visit later.
Stephanie is a Hoof Care Provider having trained with the AANHCP along with having a degree in Computer Science she also offers Natural Horse Care Coaching Services.
Sharon is an Accountant (virtual Assistant) into science, nature and nutrition. She has a passion for humor too and is Soulful Equine’s official videographer.
Here’s how they describe their passion:
“Soulful Equine™ is an organization devoted to educating horse guardians on natural horse care concepts that promote the health and well-being of the whole horse… emotionally, mentally, physically & spiritually. We believe in helping your horse thrive.”
“Thriving means so much more than mere survival… to us it means having quality of life and longevity.”
Stephanie has just released her book ‘The Guiding Principles of Natural Horse Care’ which you can read about here: – looks like another great read and I’ll be reviewing a copy in the near future.
Looking for a partner, friendship… or even a riding pal?
Stable Mates is the online site for anyone from Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Ireland, the United Kingdom and the United States who shares a passion for horses. Whether you are looking for the equestrian cupid to come your way, some trail riding mates, e-friends or even a travel companion, Stable Mates is the place to be…
As a very new site it may be a bit lonely in the barn to begin with, as this site will not buy or share profiles to make out there is a huge community when there isn’t.
So, have a peek, check out the site and how it works. It is entirely free so and every feature will be available for 30 days. This is for a limited time, though it will always be free to join, create a profile, add photos and browse. So find your Stable Mate here.