Fortunately for Carla, the 12 year old shetland pony mare, her condition was discovered just prior to the TAFE Hoof Care Course. Her sad situation provided the ideal opportunity for the students to observe how to assess, trim and treat a pony whith hooves in such bad shape.
Carla’s hooves were first x-rayed by vet Adam Richardson, after nerve blocking her lower leg so she could stand comfortably for the procedure.
Then after viewing the x-rays, lecturer and professional hoof trimmer, Jeremy Ford, showed how Carla could be trimmed and padded to enable her to hooves and body start the healing process. She was then able to lie down to rest her hooves and sore legs – something we hadn’t seen her do in the days prior to her treatment.
Students then took over her daily care with changing the pads, soaking and cleaning her hooves. Carla was also assessed by Chiropractor, Gaynor Ross who lectured at the course, so that her body stifness from compensating with her movement for so long, can be treated over time.
Now that the intensive two week section of the course is over, Carla will live with Helen Vagg, experienced pony carer and hoof trimming student from the first TAFE intake in May.