Tasks featured at the Agfest Challenge Tournament

Streamers at liberty
Streamers at liberty

The idea of this event is to have fun and complete as many of the challenges as you can in the allotted time.
The total time is 30 minutes and each task successfully completed scores 5 points. You will be able to add 5 extra points for every additional part of a task marked with an asterisk* and typed in bold italics – these are optional.
No points will be scored for each part of a section not completed successfully.
Equipment you need to have ready: (Place in the arena at the witches hat before you start).
Sticks & String
12’ rope (a 22’ will be at the float).
Halter or hackamore on your horse.
Any additional props for imagination task


  1. Load from the marker on the corner of the tailgate. Once both back feet are in, ask horse out after 20 secs.
  2. Load from the mudguard – Once both back feet are in, ask horse out after 20 secs
  3. Load from the marker 12’ away from the tailgate. Once both back feet are in, ask horse out after 20 secs
  4. Load while standing with one foot in the front door* Once both back feet are in, ask horse out after 20 secs

LIBERTY – 8 mins.

  1. Drive from zone 3 a full circle around the yard in each direction at the walk or trot with the horse closest to the tape. Stop and backup 4 steps*
  2. Then play the circling game for 2 laps in each direction at the trot or canter* with friendly game in between direction change.
  3. Play the yo-yo game to 12’ away.
  4. Squeeze game out of the round yard then see how many tasks on the trail section you can complete within the time limit. You can choose any of the tasks and each successful one receives an extra 5 points.

Liberty Trail course (you can leave halter & rope on around neck but 1 point penalty for each time you touch it)

  1. Squeeze your horse through the gate without taking your hand off it* then close the gate.
  2. Back through the L shape (you can walk through it first) then go sideways over the poles back to the start.
  3. Cross the tarp length ways and stop on the bridge.
  4. Drag the bag around the tarp, replacing the rope on the drum.
  5. Weave around the markers in a line to the end and back, at the walk or trot*
  6. Put the raincoat on and walk past the wine bladders and under the umbrellas.
  7. Disengage hindquarters and face up to umbrellas.
  8. Have your horse follow you at a walk or trot* to the drum –stop and back up 6 steps keeping the horse behind you then leave the coat on the drum.

FREESTYLE RIDING – 16 mins (incl. Trail course & optional tasks)

  1. Saddle from the off side without tying or at liberty* (stirrups down – bareback pad ok)
  2. Send horse over a jump after each girth tightening (at least twice) online or at liberty*
  3. Mount and ride a figure 8 at the trot with 1 rein or 1 stick*. (Keep rein on one side)
  4. Stop and backup for 6 steps in a straight line.
  5. With 2 reins or 1 rein* canter around the round yard 1 complete lap and come down gracefully to sideways for 1 section of the yard (6m) and then stop.
  6. Pivot on the hindquarters away from the fence to change direction.
  7. Canter again and come down to sideways and a stop.

Proceed to Trail Course and complete tasks then return to the optional Freestyle tasks for extra points.


  1. Go to the drum and mount bareback, put string around neck – (optional to remove halter & reins)*
  2. Back up 6 steps in a straight line.
  3. Weave around the slalom at a walk then go sideways over the pole or jump from a trot then stop with an indirect rein*.
  4. Open and close the gate with a string looped around it or without taking your hand off the gate*.
  5. Back through the L shape (you can walk through it first) then go sideways over the poles back to the start.
  6. Cross the tarp length ways and stop on the bridge & drop your reins for 10 secs..
  7. Drag the bag around the tarp, replacing the rope on the drum.
  8. Weave around the markers to the end and back at the walk or trot*.
  9. Put the raincoat on and ride past the wine bladders and under the umbrellas.
  10. Disengage hindquarters and face up to umbrellas then dismount..
  11. Lead horse behind you at a walk or trot* to the drum –stop and back up 6 steps keeping the horse behind you then leave the coat on the drum.

Optional Freestyle tasks – unsaddled

EXTRA-ORDINARY TASK – 2 mins. – Score is 20 points if successfully completed. Use your imagination to show something fun and intersting that isn’t a task in the Parelli program.
Maximum points = 260

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