All Horse Systems Go – Nancy S. Loving

ALLhorsebookIn this full-colour comprehensive volume, Dr Nancy S. Loving, noted equine veterinarian and dressage, event and distance rider, addresses the challenges of keeping the working horse ‘working’.
Dr Loving provides a thorough understanding of the intricacies of the equine body as well as a ready reference for solving common problems and handling emergencies.
Never again will you lack concise guidance on what can go wrong, what to do when it does, and when to call in professional assistance.
This is not just another veterinary manual, however. While diseases are clearly explained, and relevant diagnostic tools and methods of prevention and treatment are offered, Dr. Loving sets her book apart by describing valuable methods of conditioning the various systems of the horse, from strengthening hoof and bone and developing muscle, to maintaining cardiovascular and respiratory health, including health concerns related to transport stress and competition.
You are introduced to the horse’s complicated digestive system and its common problems as related to poor dentition, improper feed and supplementation, parasite infestation, and psychological stress.
Along with a thorough review of nutritional requirements there is guidance in worming and vaccination programs, and controlling sources of equine anxiety.
Over 600 pages, 500 colour photos and 4,000 index entries enrich this consummate text.
All Horse Systems Go is integral to ensuring the horse can perform to the very best of his ability, whether the task is as simple as carrying you on a ride with friends or performing at the highest levels of competition.
This is a 5 star Veterinary book, first published in 2006 and highly recommended to all horse owners as a concise veterinary reference manual.
This book and most of the others reviewed here are available from

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