Gone Natural Insect Repellant Collar

GONE natural insect repellant collars for horses are now available in Australia through the Natural Horse World Store

Photo: The Gone collar can be worn high around the neck and has a plastic buckle that will break should it get caught. It is also long enough to wear around the base of the neck but the risk of it catching on something is greater, and it could slip up the neck when the horse grazes unless it is plaited into the mane at the wither.

This USA manufactured product has just been approved by the Australian Pesticides & Veterinary Authority. It’s active ingredient is peppermint oil so it not only smells great but is totally harmless to your horse (and you) but very effective against flies, mosquitoes, ticks, midges and bot flies.
Several Tasmanian horse owners have been testing them out and they report excellent results.
The gelding pictured above suffered from QLD itch before he came to Tasmania to escape the midges. But they bothered him here too (though not as badly) so we tried the collar plus the left over collar end plaited into his tail. He happily wore them for several weeks and remained fly and itch free with the lovely cloud of peppermint aroma surrounding and protecting him.

I was impressed with the ability of the collar in repelling ticks when my dogs returned from an ‘excursion’ in the bush, literally crawling with ticks. Normally it takes me over an hour to pick them off before they burrow in, but this time, I put the horse collar on them and an hour later, there was not a tick to be seen! I was very impressed and glad they hadn’t burrowed in anywhere on the dogs.

Peppermint oil is also used for aromatherapy to stimulate the brain, aid concentration, mental fatigue and depression. So lots of positive benefits there for your horse.

While fly season is almost over here in Tassie, there are plenty of mozzies and ticks around, expecially in warmer climates.
When comparing the cost of the horse collar at $39 (for 30 days of protection) to other methods of applying insect repellant, the convenience far outweighed the the more expensive chemical based repellants that need to be applied daily.
For those who can’t visit their horse daily, the Gone Horse Collar provides the ideal way of protecting your horse 24/7 in the most natural way possible.

6 thoughts on “Gone Natural Insect Repellant Collar”

  1. Hi Cynthia,

    bought the peppermint repellent collar last year from your shop but unfortunately it never worked. Is there anything else you could recommend? The flies and mossies on the midnorth coast of NSW are horrible in their millions now.

    1. Hi Karin,
      thanks for your question and I’m sorry to hear the Insect Repellant collar didn’t seem to work.
      I’ve always had success with them when combined with the fetlock bands but when there are millions of mozzies, I’m sure they won’t be put off!

      I don’t know what else to suggest but to keep your horse lightly rugged during mozzie time (early am and in the evening) and/or inside a dark shed.
      You could try also a spray insect repellent – there are lots of recipes online to make them.

      I’ve also heard of people lighting a smoky fire in the horse’s paddock so they can choose to stand in the smoke too.
      And then there’s this post that shows horses will exercise if they want to get away from the mozzies 🙂
      Cheers, Cynthia.

    1. It just needs a few drops along the entire collar and the re-sealing in the ziplock bag it came in to keep the oil fresh and working for longer.

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