Joe Camp Review by Ysabelle Dean
Lately I have read a number of books that seek to explain and satisfy the human yen to connect physically, emotionally and even spiritually with the horse. And yet The Soul of a Horse is the only one I’ve come across that speaks with a totally resounding note of truth. Coincidentally (or not?) it’s also the only one I’ve read that is written with the unflinching insight that a deep and satisfying connection with another individual – human or otherwise – requires us to set aside our own aspirations, expectations and needs in order to clearly understand those of the other.
The horse has largely lost its traditional place in human affairs as the ubiquitous beast of burden. But we still tend to value these generous and beautiful animals mainly for what they can do for us, whether it’s feeding our egos through winning ribbons or races, or providing therapeutic release from the stresses and strains of life.
The Soul of a Horse examines the biological, physiological and emotional needs of the modern domestic horse and how successfully these are met by widely used and accepted methods of husbandry, handling and training. A delightful blend of autobiography, critical analysis and storytelling, this book engages the reader intellectually and emotionally from start to finish. Joe Camp presents his ‘life lessons from the herd’ with the same humble, gentle yet persuasive persistence we admire in the very best horse trainers.
A heart warmingly affirmative read for the barefoot horse owner, this book is also a ‘must read’ for any person who has ever owned and loved a horse.
You can read more of Joe Camp’s writings on his web site. He has an informative newsletter and lots of great info on natural horse keeping including some new info on natural worming so check it out here.